I am writing to express my thanks for the excellent assistance your company has provided me in getting my RV back on the road. I especially want to thank Mark, your company Claim Representative, for his assistance in dealing back and forth with the repair shops local to me and with those shops that I have traveled to out of town. My RV has had a series of issues with the cooling system and with the heater core; Mark worked with the repair facility, Bunk House RV in Red Bay, AL to expedite and cover the costs for those repairs.

Ed H.
Fredricksburg VA

United States Warranty Corporation

Ed H.
Fredricksburg VA

I am writing to express my thanks for the excellent assistance your company has provided me in getting my RV back on the road. I especially want to thank Mark, your company Claim Representative, for his assistance in dealing back and forth with the repair shops local to me and with those shops that I have traveled to out of town. My RV has had a series of issues with the cooling system and with the heater core; Mark worked with the repair facility, Bunk House RV in Red Bay, AL to expedite and cover the costs for those repairs.

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